HDR Photography

Posted by Watch Me Rise | Friday, May 15, 2009 | , | 0 comments »

My Very First Tutorial

As I mentioned before I will be doing some video tutorials that will only be available on my myspace. In my first tutorial I mentioned that you should reference this post to learn how to set up to photograph for an HDR image. You will need a camera and a tripod for this. With HDR you are taking multiple images and merging them together so it is crucial that your camera remains still while taking the photographs. The basic concept of HDR, which by the way stands for High Dynamic Range, is that your camera doesn't see exactly what you see... it exposes for one section of what is in the frame. So if your camera is exposing for a bright area, everything in a darker area is going to be too dark. So, what you need to do is take from 3 to 5 exposures, one that is perfectly exposed, one that is under exposed by a stop and one that is over exposed by a stop. This is known as bracketing... if you look on youtube i'm sure you can find some useful info on bracketing. You can also have one exposure that is under exposed by two stops and one that is over by two stops. The point of this is just to have enough information for the camera to read that it can see every little detail whether it is bright or dark. Also, you should be taking these in RAW and not jpeg... agian youtube is a great resource on how to learn how to do things like that. So head on over to Myspace and check out the video... good luck.

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